Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus — Tagged "Alzheimer’s"

The Positive Impact of Visual Timers for Senior Care

The Positive Impact of Visual Timers for Senior Care

In senior care, time-management tools and techniques can enhance the quality of life for older adults.   Visual timers can ...

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Navigating National Caregivers Month with Time Timer

Navigating National Caregivers Month with Time Timer

November is National Caregivers Month.  This month, we support the millions of individuals who dedicate their time and energy t...

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By Time Timer

Using Time Timer to Support Eldercare

Using Time Timer to Support Eldercare

Eldercare, especially that including Alzheimer’s, is one of the most essential human services in the world. Our Time Timer Watc...

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By Time Timer

Global Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

Global Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

June is Global Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. Read our blog post to learn more about how you can support your brain and...

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By Time Timer

Have a Loved One with Alzheimer’s? 4 Tips for Spending Quality Time Together

Have a Loved One with Alzheimer’s? 4 Tips for Spending Quality Time Together

A simple phone call or Sunday afternoon visit may not be so simple if your loved one has Alzheimer’s. The normal rules don’t al...

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By Time Timer

6 Ways Time Timer Can Help with Elder Care

6 Ways Time Timer Can Help with Elder Care

You wake up every day with the goal of providing smart and loving care for an elderly parent or other relative. We’ve compiled ...

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By Time Timer