Improving Transitions and Increasing Waiting Behavior
Time Timer has been used in studies with children and adults with autism to help improve transitions from activity to activity and increase appropriate waiting behavior.
"Delay in reinforcement and appropriate waiting behavior was increased from 150 to 600 seconds in the presence of the Time Timer alone."
- I.Grey, O.Healy, G.Leader, D.Hayes. Trinity College; National University of Ireland Galway
Read the Details
Study by: Danna Heh, Northwestern School District, Peter Heh and Lauren Bingham, PennWest University - California Campus
- by I.Grey, O.Healy, G.Leader, D.Hayes. Trinity College; National University of Ireland Galway
- Justin A. DiDomenico
- Lori Kollin, University of South Florida
- Linda C. Mechling, Kathryn J. Bryant, Galen P. Spencer and Kevin M. Ayres
- Gunnel Janeslatt, Andres Kottorp and Mats Granlund
- by Kara Hume, PhD.
- by D. Gilbride (MRC/LPC)
“Research indicated that the use of a visual timer (such as the Time Timer) helped a student with autism transition successfully from computer time to work time at several points throughout the day”
“The use of a Time timer to make time visible could improve appropriate waiting behaviour in a child with developmental disabilities“
"This time value, intrinsic in the Time Timer, levels the field, provides structure, deters the sense of free-fall and as a result, reduces anxiety and increases the ability to tolerate time on task."