Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus — Tagged "kids timer"

Time Timer Potty Training Bundle

Time Timer Potty Training Bundle

  Today we are sharing a potty training bundle that makes the perfect duo for any child new to potty training!    Product 1: Th...

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By Time Timer

Our Best Tips for Adjusting to the Daylight Saving Time Change

Our Best Tips for Adjusting to the Daylight Saving Time Change

Time springs forward Sunday, March 14th! Daylight Saving Time changes affect regular schedules and routines as well as the body...

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By Time Timer

How to Use the Time Timer with Children at Home

How to Use the Time Timer with Children at Home

Time is an abstract concept, and Time Timer provides a concrete representation of that concept. For both adults and children, s...

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By Time Timer

5 Best-Ever Tips for a Happier School Morning Routine

5 Best-Ever Tips for a Happier School Morning Routine

Time Timer was originally designed to help parents keep kids on time for school, so we’ve spent a lot of time figuring out bett...

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By Time Timer

Double Time! Why Two (or More) Visual Timers Are Better Than One

Double Time! Why Two (or More) Visual Timers Are Better Than One

We truly believe being able to see time with a Time Timer can be life-changing. There’s no other productivity boost like seeing...

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By Time Timer

An ADHD Homework Guide: Five Steps to Success at Any Age

An ADHD Homework Guide: Five Steps to Success at Any Age

Are you winning the homework battle? Is the distraction of Fortnite keeping YOU up at night, wondering how you can help your ch...

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By Time Timer