Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus — Tagged "middle school"

Gamify Learning: Boost Engagement with Timers and Challenges

Gamify Learning: Boost Engagement with Timers and Challenges

Student engagement is not an easy thing to do in this day and age. Teachers are facing new and old problems alike in trying t...

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By Time Timer

Student Guest Post | Time Timer; How it Has Affected My Life by Nara Chen

Student Guest Post | Time Timer; How it Has Affected My Life by Nara Chen

For the month of May we are letting students take over the blog! Our first blog post this month is brought to you by Nara Chen....

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By Nara Chen

Time Timer for Testing: Less Stressful, More Successful!

Time Timer for Testing: Less Stressful, More Successful!

As the end of the school year approaches, many schools have end-of-the-year testing and standardized exams. The Time Timer is a...

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By Time Timer