Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus — Tagged "special needs"

Advice from a Pediatric OT in a Time of Disruption and Uncertainty

Advice from a Pediatric OT in a Time of Disruption and Uncertainty

Today we have advice straight from a Pediatric OT, Taelor Millsap, on how to navigate this time of disruption and uncertainty. ...

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By Taelor Millsap

Summer Sports for Children with All Abilities

Summer Sports for Children with All Abilities

It’s only natural to fill some of those long days of summer with active pursuits. But children with a variety of needs aren’t a...

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By Time Timer

Empowering Everyone to Conquer Time By Heather Rogers

Empowering Everyone to Conquer Time By Heather Rogers

This is why the Time Timer mission is to help everyone conquer time. My mother-in-law, Jan Rogers, invented the Time Timer so s...

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By Heather Rogers

9 Notable Sensory Essentials

9 Notable Sensory Essentials

In honor of Autism Awareness Month, Time Timer, along with a group of companies that create sensory tools for individuals with ...

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By Time Timer

Visual Schedule for Autism: The Why and How

Visual Schedule for Autism: The Why and How

What’s a visual schedule? It’s just like it sounds—a visual representation of what’s going to happen in what order. And there’s...

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By Time Timer

4 Easy Ways to Support People with Disabilities

4 Easy Ways to Support People with Disabilities

Every community includes people who have disabilities, and you may find yourself wanting to get involved. But how can you make ...

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By Time Timer