Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus — Tagged "Time Timer"

Time Timer Is Invaluable to My Business

Time Timer Is Invaluable to My Business

Time is one of the most important elements of work, no matter what type of business you’re in. That’s why Time Timer is a cruci...

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By Matt Chandler

Time Management as a First Year College Student

Time Management as a First Year College Student

Shortly before I left for my first year of college, I was given a present and a note from some family friends. They wished me w...

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By Calvin Batista-Malat

How Community Support and Self-Education Leads to Self-Advocacy and Shoulder Hugs: The Story of Terri and Bayley

How Community Support and Self-Education Leads to Self-Advocacy and Shoulder Hugs: The Story of Terri and Bayley

Today we feature an interview with a long-time Time Timer fan, Terri. Terri shares her story about becoming involved in the Aut...

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By Time Timer

Advice from a Pediatric OT in a Time of Disruption and Uncertainty

Advice from a Pediatric OT in a Time of Disruption and Uncertainty

Today we have advice straight from a Pediatric OT, Taelor Millsap, on how to navigate this time of disruption and uncertainty. ...

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By Taelor Millsap

The Importance of Intellectual Property and Patents to Entrepreneurs

The Importance of Intellectual Property and Patents to Entrepreneurs

At Time Timer, developing innovative solutions with Intellectual Property has been a foundation of business and growth. Dave Ro...

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By Time Timer

The Inclusive Classroom: 4 Strategies for Helping Students with ADHD

The Inclusive Classroom: 4 Strategies for Helping Students with ADHD

You might have one or two students in your class with ADHD. They’re likely bright and awesome, but they probably also face some...

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By Time Timer