Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus — Tagged "Time Timer"

5 Signs Your Teen is Overwhelmed: How to Offer Support

5 Signs Your Teen is Overwhelmed: How to Offer Support

In this blog post, Kelly Biltz shares five common signs of teenage overwhelm that she has experienced coaching high schoolers a...

Kelly Bilz Headshot

By Kelly Biltz

Making Transitions Fun With Time Timer

Making Transitions Fun With Time Timer

How do your kids handle it when you say that screen time is over? Our 6 year old son does not handle it well. We are met with m...

Ryan Mayer using Time Timer Countdown timers in their home

By Ryan Mayer

4 Tips for Getting Out the Door on Time

4 Tips for Getting Out the Door on Time

We all know the feeling of racing to get out the door on time, Here are four practical tips to help minimize the daily scramble...

Red timer

By Time Timer

5 Steps to a Smoother School Morning

5 Steps to a Smoother School Morning

Discover five steps to stress-free, smoother school mornings.  

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By Time Timer

Performing Tasks for an Extended Period of Time with Time Timer Visual Timers

Performing Tasks for an Extended Period of Time with Time Timer Visual Timers

Whether you're working on a lengthy project, studying for exams, or tackling household chores, managing time efficiently is mad...

Red timer

By Time Timer

4 Ways to Use Time Timer in the Classroom

4 Ways to Use Time Timer in the Classroom

Learn four ways to use Time Timer in the classroom, from start to finish!  

Red timer

By Time Timer