Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus — Tagged "autism"

Creating Consistency in Every Environment with Time Timer

Creating Consistency in Every Environment with Time Timer

For students with disabilities, consistency is key. Using the same tools and strategies at school, home, and in the community c...

Catherine Witcher headshot

By Catherine Whitcher

Using the Time Timer to Decrease Anxiety in Autistic Children

Using the Time Timer to Decrease Anxiety in Autistic Children

Today we have a guest blog post from Holly Blanc Moses and Audrey Doidge. Both Holly and Audrey are both licensed therapist who...

Holly Headshot

By Holly Blanc Moses

The Importance of Assistive Technology

The Importance of Assistive Technology

There is an ethical imperative that, as technology progresses, that it be available for individuals of all abilities. Time Time...

Red timer

By Time Timer

How Can I Help a Child with Autism Understand the Concept of Time Website banner

How Can I Help a Child with Autism Understand the Concept of Time?

Discover how Time Timer helps children with cognitive differences improve time perception. Learn why traditional time-telling m...

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By Time Timer

Product Spotlight: The Time Timer Watch  website banner

Product Spotlight: The Time Timer Watch

One of our most popular items here at Time Timer has gotten an upgrade! Learn about the Time Timer Watch and all the great feat...

Red timer

By Time Timer

The Benefits of Social Stories

The Benefits of Social Stories

Social stories are a social learning tool developed to support information exchanges for people with autism. They have since br...

Red timer

By Time Timer