Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus — Tagged "Parenting"

Beyond Screen-time Limits: Teaching Kids Responsible Tech Use with Timers

Beyond Screen-time Limits: Teaching Kids Responsible Tech Use with Timers

Help kids manage screen time with Time Timer visual timers! Learn how setting clear, off-device time limits fosters healthy hab...

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By Time Timer

Transitioning Your Toddler from Nap Time to Quiet Time

Transitioning Your Toddler from Nap Time to Quiet Time

Help your toddler transition from nap time to independent quiet time with the Time Timer MOD. Try these simple tips for a smoot...

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By Time Timer

4 Tips for Smoother Mornings with your Toddler or Preschooler from a Pediatric OT

4 Tips for Smoother Mornings with your Toddler or Preschooler from a Pediatric OT

By Jessica Rapp Irwin, OTR/L Founder of Rooted in Routine and mom of two   As the parent of little ones, you know that mornin...

Jessica Headshot

By Jessica Rapp Irwin

Teaching Tooth Brushing with the Time Timer TWIST

Teaching Tooth Brushing with the Time Timer TWIST

Helping Children Master Dental Hygiene with Our Latest Product  Ensuring proper dental hygiene in children is essential for...

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By Time Timer

Managing Holiday Break Transitions

Managing Holiday Break Transitions

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and a break from routine — but they can also create stress when it comes to m...

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By Time Timer

How to Use Visual Timers to Schedule Fun and Relaxation

How to Use Visual Timers to Schedule Fun and Relaxation

Making Time for Play Can Be a Positive Influence in Your Day  In the midst of our hectic schedules and endless to-do lists, i...

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By Time Timer