Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus — Tagged "time blindness"

Embracing ADHD in the Professional World: You Are Not Alone

Embracing ADHD in the Professional World: You Are Not Alone

  Alright, let’s get real for a second. As an ADHD coach working with professionals, I hear the same struggles over and over. T...

Bri Headshot

By Bri Plyler

Where Does the Time Go? ADHD and Time Blindness

Where Does the Time Go? ADHD and Time Blindness

Time management is crucial for success and productivity.   However, individuals with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (...

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By Time Timer

Recharging your ADHD Brain is Vital

Recharging your ADHD Brain is Vital

Today we have a guest blog post from Dr. Janina Elbert Maschke from ADHD Empowerment Coaching. She shares ways to recharge your...

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By Dr. Janina Elbert Maschke

The Importance of Assistive Technology

The Importance of Assistive Technology

There is an ethical imperative that, as technology progresses, that it be available for individuals of all abilities. Time Time...

Red timer

By Time Timer

Time Blindness and ADHD

Time Blindness: What it is and helpful solutions

  Whether it is at home or in school, one of the biggest obstacles to a productive day facing people with ADHD is time manageme...

Red timer

By Time Timer

A Valuable Tool for Confusion with Time Banner Image

A Valuable Tool for Confusion with Time

Students with dyscalculia often struggle with time management, making tasks like "You have 20 minutes to finish" anxiety-induci...

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By Laura M. Jackson