Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus — Tagged "Parenting"

4 Resources to Teach Kids About Handwashing

4 Resources to Teach Kids About Handwashing

  At Time Timer, we think that no matter the individual  experience with 2020, we all learned more than ever the importance of ...

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By Time Timer

Tips for Managing ADHD

Tips for Managing ADHD

Pediatric occupational therapist Jessica Irwin shares 6 tips for supporting children with ADHD in this guest blog post for ADHD...

Jessica Headshot

By Jessica Rapp Irwin

ADHD Parenting Relief from a Mom Who Gets It

ADHD Parenting Relief from a Mom Who Gets It

October is ADHD Awareness Month. We have an amazing line up of guest bloggers sharing their experiences and expertise, with tip...

By Beth Grushkin

Structured Work Systems for Students with Intellectual Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder

Structured Work Systems for Students with Intellectual Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder

Students with cognitive disabilities often face challenges related to independent functioning. Structured work systems can help...

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By Sacha Cartagena

Why and How To Establish Age-Appropriate Routines at Home

Why and How To Establish Age-Appropriate Routines at Home

Consistent and predictable daily routines allow children to function their best. It takes effort to start and maintain a routin...

Jessica Headshot

By Jessica Rapp Irwin

How to Use the Time Timer with Children at Home

How to Use the Time Timer with Children at Home

Time is an abstract concept, and Time Timer provides a concrete representation of that concept. For both adults and children, s...

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By Time Timer