Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus — Tagged "Parenting"

How Do New Moms Get Anything Done?

How Do New Moms Get Anything Done?

No matter how many books you read or how much advice you get from your mom and friends, nothing can prepare you for the life th...

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By Selena Thomas

5 Best-Ever Tips for a Happier School Morning Routine

5 Best-Ever Tips for a Happier School Morning Routine

Time Timer was originally designed to help parents keep kids on time for school, so we’ve spent a lot of time figuring out bett...

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By Time Timer

How Much Screen Time for Kids?  5 Tips for Setting Healthy Limits

How Much Screen Time for Kids? 5 Tips for Setting Healthy Limits

The glow of a phone or tablet isn’t what most parents envision for summer break, so at some point you’ll have to answer: How mu...

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By Time Timer

Guest Blog: Tips for Toileting by Jo Adkins

Guest Blog: Tips for Toileting by Jo Adkins

By Jo Adkins – Author of Tips for Toileting: A guide for parents and professionals toilet training children with Autism. Toilet...

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By Jo Adkins

Hygge Home: A Cozy New Approach to Family Time

Hygge Home: A Cozy New Approach to Family Time

If you’re new to hygge, it’s a Danish concept that encompasses all those cozy little things that make you feel warm, fuzzy and ...

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By Time Timer

Sensory Tools for Meal Time

Sensory Tools for Meal Time

EZPZ, one of Time Timer®'s partners in the Essential Eight Sensory Tools campaign, offers great advice on how to use the tools ...

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By Time Timer